Career Development and Internships Office



We offer a wide range of services and resources to students who are exploring their options for majors, 字段, and careers—most often first- and second-year undergraduates. We’re available to meet with you from your first day on campus, or at any point in your college career. Here are the services we provide to help you find the career that’s right for you.

  • 职业优势: A four-year plan that equips you with the skills you need to begin a successful job search.
  • 职业咨询: Whether you are undecided about your major, unsure of the right career path, or experiencing another personal or academic issue that is creating uncertainty in your life, we’ll help you develop a plan for getting the most out of your college experience.
  • Resume Review and Development: We’ll review your resume and help you plan out the courses and experiences you need by senior year to gain a competitive advantage in your job search.
  • 面试准备: Learn how to research companies and industries to determine whether they match your career interests and gain opportunities to practice articulating your personal strengths and experiences.
  • 实习计划 Assistance: Internships are a valuable way to gain real-world work experience, 拓展你的技能, 制作简历, and explore whether a career path is right for you.
  • Micro-Internship Opportunities: Browse micro-实习 available to all students through Parker Dewey. Micro-Internships are short-term, 支付, professional assignments that are similar to those given to new hires or interns.
  • 求职策略: Our comprehensive approach includes helping you identify your interests and strengths, take advantage of events and networking opportunities, use your personal networks for your job search, 研究机构, and practice interview skills.
  • 职业规划课程: ACSR 1030 is designed to help students who want to conduct academic major and career exploration.
  • 感兴趣的库存: We’ll provide access to a test that will help identify your interests and then meet to discuss your next steps, 包括哪些课程, 工作, 实习, or activities will allow you to express and build on your interests.
  • 事件: We offer several career development events throughout the year, including visits to local employers, industry-specific employer and alumni speaker series, and opportunities to network and practice interviewing skills.

For more information or to make an appointment, please contact the 职业发展办事处.